Wakeword Detection App
Pump Failure Detection App-Application based on IIoT
Why is Pump Failure Detection important? A pump is a device that moves fluids by mechanical action, typically converted from electrical energy into hydraulic energy. There are different types of pumps depending upon the method that is used for moving the fluid. In India, pumps are one of the main reasons for the growth of …
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Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection
Nowadays we are well aware of the fact that if social media platforms are not handled carefully then they can create chaos in the world. One of the problems faced on these platforms are usage of Hate Speech and Offensive Language. Usage of such Language often results in fights, crimes or sometimes riots at worst. …
Covid-19 Detection
We all are aware of the pandemic situation created by the outbreak of novel corona virus and the large of number of deaths it has caused worldwide. We are also aware that the cough sound of the covid positive patients is different from that of the normal patients or patients affected by any other disease. …
Heart Disease Prediction using Neural Networks
Photo by Diana Pasternak on Dribbble Heart disease refers to any condition affecting the heart. There are many types, some of which are preventable. Share on Pinterest mikroman6/Getty Images. Unlike a cardiovascular disease, which includes problems with the entire circulatory system, heart disease affects only the heart. This project will focus on predicting heart disease using …
Resume Screening using Deep Learning on Cainvas
Photo by Joe Le Huquet on Dribbble Resume Screening is necessary when companies receive thousands of applications for different roles and need to find suitable matches. For this project, the dataset originally consists of 2 columns — Category and Resume, where the Category denotes the field (eg: Data Science, HR, Testing etc.). By using the resume as an …
Mushroom Classification Using Deep Learning
Photo by Marianna Che on Dribbble Mushrooms!! Creamy Mushroom Bruschetta, Mushroom Risotto, Mushroom pizza, Mushrooms in a burger, and what not! Just by hearing the names of these dishes, people be drooling! Their flavor is one reason that takes the dish to the next level! But have you ever wondered if the mushroom you eat is …