
Is that asteroid out there hazardous? — on cAInvas

Find potential hazardous and non-hazardous near-earth asteroids. Photo by Christopher Jones on Dribbble Asteroids are small, rocky objects like mini-planets that orbit the Sun. They fall under the term planetoids that is used to describe any astronomical object that orbits the Sun that isn’t a comet. In his final book Brief Answers to the Big Questions, …

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Confusion detection with EEG signals

Detecting whether a person is confused or not based on the EEG recordings. Photo by George Vald on Dribbble Do students always ask doubts when they are confused? How do you know if someone is confused? Facial expressions, maybe. Confusions happen when we are not able to comprehend what we see/hear. EEG, which stands for electroencephalography, …

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Language identification of text — on cAInvas

Detect the language of the given text data using deep neural networks. Photo by Pendar Yousefi on Dribbble Language detection refers to determining the language that the given text is written in. It is a text categorization problem at its core, with the languages being the classes. This categorization becomes important when the language of the …

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Indian Currency Notes Classifier — on cAInvas

Classifying Indian currency notes using their images and deep learning. Photo by Alexander Barton for NJI Media on Dribbble Currency notes have identifiers that allow the visually impaired to identify them easily. This is a learned skill. On the other hand, classifying them using images is an easier solution to help the visually impaired identify the …

Indian Currency Notes Classifier — on cAInvas Read More »

Glass quality assessment — on cAInvas

Assess the quality of glass based on derived features using neural networks. Photo by Maggle on Dribbble The quality of glass refers to its transparency, heat resistance, stability, etc. It depends on many features such as thickness, composition, luminosity, and many others. A variation in its composition can define changes in the quality of glass, thus …

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What type of star is it? — on cAInvas

Identify the type of star using its characteristics and neural networks. Photo by Alex Kunchevsky for OUTLΛNE on Dribbble Classification of stars based on their characteristics is called stellar classification. Here we classify them into 6 classes — Brown Dwarf, Red Dwarf, White Dwarf, Main Sequence, Supergiant, and Hypergiant. Implementation of the idea on cAInvas — here! Dataset On Kaggle …

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