Built a simple Artificial Neural Network using TensorFlow and Keras which classifies the organic compounds as either Musk or Non-Musk compounds
To develop a Deep Learning model that classifies the organic compounds as either Musk or Non-Musk compounds using python programming language and Deep learning libraries
Before getting started, you should have a good understanding of:
- Python programming language
- Deep Learning Libraries(Tensorflow, Keras)
Link to download the dataset:
get the data
--2021-07-06 11:17:20-- https://cainvas-static.s3.amazonaws.com/media/user_data/vomchaithany/musk.csv Resolving cainvas-static.s3.amazonaws.com (cainvas-static.s3.amazonaws.com)... Connecting to cainvas-static.s3.amazonaws.com (cainvas-static.s3.amazonaws.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 304 Not Modified File ‘musk.csv’ not modified on server. Omitting download.
Import the required libraries
Load the data
Preprocessing the Data
Split the data for training and test
((4618, 166), (4618,))
Build, train, and save the model
Epoch 1/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 3ms/step - loss: 0.4019 - accuracy: 0.8441 - val_loss: 0.2712 - val_accuracy: 0.9157 Epoch 2/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.2232 - accuracy: 0.9309 - val_loss: 0.1938 - val_accuracy: 0.9444 Epoch 3/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1743 - accuracy: 0.9461 - val_loss: 0.1602 - val_accuracy: 0.9480 Epoch 4/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1454 - accuracy: 0.9530 - val_loss: 0.1333 - val_accuracy: 0.9601 Epoch 5/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1238 - accuracy: 0.9591 - val_loss: 0.1167 - val_accuracy: 0.9641 Epoch 6/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.1095 - accuracy: 0.9632 - val_loss: 0.1033 - val_accuracy: 0.9682 Epoch 7/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0946 - accuracy: 0.9693 - val_loss: 0.0946 - val_accuracy: 0.9646 Epoch 8/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0848 - accuracy: 0.9725 - val_loss: 0.0859 - val_accuracy: 0.9717 Epoch 9/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0758 - accuracy: 0.9766 - val_loss: 0.0798 - val_accuracy: 0.9732 Epoch 10/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0700 - accuracy: 0.9783 - val_loss: 0.0737 - val_accuracy: 0.9737 Epoch 11/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0611 - accuracy: 0.9831 - val_loss: 0.0670 - val_accuracy: 0.9783 Epoch 12/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0548 - accuracy: 0.9842 - val_loss: 0.0622 - val_accuracy: 0.9803 Epoch 13/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0505 - accuracy: 0.9857 - val_loss: 0.0612 - val_accuracy: 0.9798 Epoch 14/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0452 - accuracy: 0.9861 - val_loss: 0.0564 - val_accuracy: 0.9823 Epoch 15/15 145/145 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0404 - accuracy: 0.9883 - val_loss: 0.0546 - val_accuracy: 0.9828
loss vs validation loss
Accuracy vs validation accuracy
Accuracy of our model
62/62 [==============================] - 0s 1ms/step - loss: 0.0546 - accuracy: 0.9828 [0.0546199269592762, 0.9828282594680786]
array([[1.4935225e-03], [6.3299501e-01], [3.2852648e-03], [7.9143688e-04], [2.2959751e-04]], dtype=float32)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
here we can see that the predicted values are the same as the actual values
Classification report and Heat Map
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.99 0.99 0.99 1673 1 0.94 0.95 0.95 307
accuracy 0.98 1980 macro avg 0.96 0.97 0.97 1980 weighted avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 1980
Heat Map
Link to access the notebook:
We’ve trained our simple ANN using TensorFlow and Keras for classifying Musk /Non-Musk compounds and got an accuracy of 98%.
Notebook Link: Here
Credit: Om Chaithanya V
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